Power of Learning

June 20, 2018
Web Components JS HTML apprenticeship

For my final project in the apprenticeship, I struggled to select a technology stack to use. If I would choose a technology stack that I already knew, like React, I would implement my ideas easier, hence, I could provide more features. On the other hand, with a completely new technology, I would struggle to provide even the basics of the project. Well, I thought it was a hard decision to make, but I forget something.

Even though there are various challenges on learning something new, it also bears the feel of achievement and it’s priceless. After I try to learn why do I need web components, how can I create my custom elements, I felt passionate about it. This passion drove me to discover more. It’s a positive feedback loop where you can feel more passionate as you learn and you learn more as you feel more passionate about it.

I am planning to write my discoveries about web components in the following posts. Stay tuned!